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Posts tagged “Inspiration

Finding OUR Brand Identity

Classy, Feminine, Elegant, Sophisticated, Memorable

Who is 1930by ChrisJackson as a brand?

That is the question that should easily come to me, however I am struggling with this. I know so many aspects of who my market is in extreme detail, but branding ones self is a bit more difficult.

I’m starting this off by trying to find images that best describes the brand without words.  Creating the imagery is the first & most important thing in my opinion since we now live such a digital era where we mostly rely on the physical/visual.

Doing some market research has helped me in coming closer to defining who we are as a brand. WHERE WE FIT IN.  Under the picture are the words that kept popping up from the group of girls we questioned. This entire time the biggest fear that I’ve had was to become another “repeat-a-brand” & therefore was terrified of being identified as a Diesel type brand that showcases the party lifestyle as part of the brand.

After all, it is the impression that you, the consumer, have in mind when you think of this brands total personality (real and imaginary qualities and shortcomings). Our brand image will be developed  over time through advertising campaigns etc with a consistent theme, and will be authenticated through you, the consumers’, direct experience with 1930by ChrisJackson.

But for now, I’d like to get an idea of where to start and I can only get that with direct consumer interaction. YOUR OPINION DOES MATTER!!

What adjectives would best describe what we’ve shown you thus far?

Are the words under the collage accurate?

Are the image within the collage accurate? Do they relate to 1930 as a brand?

All help is appreciated!

**Don’t forget more pics can be found on our facebook page.**

❤ Chris J.

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